Air Quality – Thad Godish – 4th Edition


Ozone-destroying chemicals; greenhouse gases; and dangerous airborne substances that were once thought to be benign are the most urgent issues facing air pollution control experts. Students need a thorough; updated reference that explores these current trends while also covering the fundamental concepts of this emerging discipline.

A new revision of a bestseller; Air Quality; Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive overview air quality issues; including a better understanding of atmospheric chemistry; the effects of pollution on public health and the environment; and the technology and regulatory practices used to achieve air quality goals.

New sections cover toxicological principles and risk assessment. The book also contains revised discussions on public policy concerns; with a focus on air quality standards for ozone depletion and global warming; and the health effects of particulate air pollutants.

This edition continues to serve as a very readable text for advanced level undergraduate and early graduate study in environmental science; environmental management; and in programs related to the study of public health; industrial hygiene; and pollution control.

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  • Chapter 1: The Atmosphere
    - Chemical Composition
    - Physical Phenomena
    - Atmospheric Motion
    - Evolution of the Atmosphere

    Chapter 2: Atmospheric Pollution and Pollutants
    - Natural Air Pollution
    - Anthropogenic Air Pollution
    - Gas-Phase Pollutants
    - Atmospheric Particles

    Chapter 3: Atmospheric Dispersion, Transport and Deposition
    - Dispersion and Transport
    - Atmospheric Removal and Deposition Processes
    - Meteorological Applications: Air Pollution Control

    Chapter 4: Atmospheric Effects
    - Visibility
    - Turbidity
    - Thermal Air Pollution
    - Effects on Precipitation and Precipitation Processes
    - Atmospheric Deposition
    - Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
    - Global Warming

    Chapter 5: Health Effects
    - Air Pollution Episodes
    - Pollutant Exposures and Cause-Effect Relationships
    - Impact of Pollutants on the Human Body
    - Health Effects of Regulated Air Pollutants
    - Personal Air Pollution
    - Risk Assessment and Management

    Chapter 6: Welfare Effects
    - Effects on Agricultural Crops, Ornamental Plants, and Trees
    - Effects on Domesticated Animals
    - Ecological Effects
    - Effects on Materials
    - Odor Pollution

    Chapter 7: Air Quality and Emissions Assessment
    - Air Quality Monitoring
    - Emissions Assessment
    - Air Quality Modeling

    Chapter 8: Regulation and Public Policy
    - Non-Regulatory Legal Remedies
    - Regulatory Strategies and Tactics
    - Federal Legislative History
    - Air Pollution Control Under the 1970, 1977, and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
    - State and Local Air Pollution Control Functions
    - Public Policy Issues

    Chapter 10: Control of Motor Vehicle Emissions
    - Motor Vehicle Engines
    - Automotive Fuels
    - Low Emission and Zero Emission Vehicles

    Chapter 11: Control of Emissions from Stationary Sources
    - Control Practices
    - Gas Cleaning Technology
    - Control of Particulate-Phase Pollutants
    - Control of Gas-Phase Pollutants

    Chapter 12: Indoor Air Quality
    - Personal, Indoor, and Outdoor Pollutant Relationships
    - Indoor Air Quality Concerns
    - Major Indoor Pollutants
    - Problem Buildings
    - Investigating Indoor Air Quality Problems
    - Measurement of Indoor Contaminants
    - Prevention and Control Measures
    - Indoor Air Quality and Public Policy

    Chapter 13: Environmental Noise
    - Sound and Its Measurement
    - Sound Exposure Descriptors
    - Loudness
    - Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure
    - Non-Regulatory and Regulatory Control Approaches
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