Applied Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers – Nathabandu T. Kottegoda, Renzo Ross – 2nd Edition


Civil and environmental engineers need an understanding of mathematical statistics and probability theory to deal with the variability that affects engineers’ structures, soil pressures, river flows and the like. Students, too, need to get to grips with these rather difficult concepts.

This book, written by engineers for engineers, tackles the subject in a clear, up-to-date manner using a process-orientated approach. It introduces the subjects of mathematical statistics and probability theory, and then addresses model estimation and testing, regression and multivariate methods, analysis of extreme events, simulation techniques, risk and reliability, and economic decision making.

325 examples and case studies from European and American practice are included and each chapter features realistic problems to be solved.

For the second edition new sections have been added on Monte Carlo Markov chain modeling with details of practical Gibbs sampling, sensitivity analysis and aleatory and epistemic uncertainties, and copulas. Throughout, the text has been revised and modernized.

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  • *Preface.
    *Preliminary data analysis.
    *Basic probability concepts.
    *Random variables and their properties.
    *Probability distributions.
    *Model estimation and testing.
    *Methods of regression and multivariate analysis.
    *Frequency analysis of extreme events.
    *Simulation techniques for design.
    *Risk and reliability analysis.
    *Bayesian decision methods and parameter uncertainty.
    *Further mathematics
    *Glossary of symbols
    *Tables of selected distributions
    *Brief answers to selected problems
    *Data lists.
  • Citation

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