Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis – J. David Irwin – 9th Edition


Over the last two decades, Irwin has built a solid reputation for his highly engaging presentation, clear explanations, and extensive array of helpful learning aids. Now in a new “Ninth Edition,” this reader-friendly book has been completely revised and improved to ensure that the learning experience is enhanced. It’s built on the strength of Irwin’s problem-solving methodology, providing readers with a strong foundation as they advance in the field.

Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Ninth Edition maintains its student friendly, accessible approach to circuit analysis and now includes even more features to engage and motivate students. In addition to brand new exciting chapter openers, all new accompanying photos are included to help engage visual learners. This revision introduces completely re-done figures with color coding to significantly improve student comprehension and FE exam problems at the ends of chapters for student practice. The text continues to provide a strong problem-solving approach along with a large variety of problems and examples.

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  • 1. Basic Concepts.
    2. Resistive Circuits.
    3. Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques.
    4. Operational Amplifiers.
    5. Additional Analysis Techniques.
    6. Capacitors.
    7. First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits.
    8. AC Steady-State Analysis.
    9. Steady-State Power Analysis.
    10. Magnetically Coupled Networks.
    11. Polyphase Circuits.
    12. Variable-Frequency Network Performance.
    13. The Laplace Transform.
    14. Application of the Laplace Transform to Circuit Analysis.
    15. Fourier Analysis Techniques.
    16. Two-Port Networks.
  • Citation

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