Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry – Geoff Rayner-Canham – 1st Edition


This bestselling text gives students a less rigorous, less mathematical way of learning inorganic chemistry, using the periodic table as a context for exploring chemical properties and uncovering relationships between elements in different groups.

The authors help students understand the relevance of the subject to their lives by covering both the historical development and fascinating contemporary applications of inorganic chemistry (especially in regard to industrial processes and environmental issues). The new edition offers new study tools, expanded coverage of biological applications, and new help with problem-solving.

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  • 1. The Electronic Structure of the Atom: A Review.
    2. The Structure of the Periodic Table.
    3. Covalent Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy.
    4. Metallic Bonding, Alloys, and Composites.
    5. Ionic Bonding and Solid State Behaviour.
    6. Why Compounds Exist Inorganic Thermodynamics.
    7. Solvent Systems and Acid-Base Behavior.
    8. Oxidation and Reduction.
    9. Periodic Patterns.
    10. Hydrogen.
    11. The Group 1 Elements: The Alkali Metals.
    12. The Group 2 Elements: The Alkaline Earth Metals.
    13. The Group 13 Elements.
    14. The Group 14 Elements.
    15. The Group 15 Elements: The Pnictogens.
    16. The Group 16 Elements: The Chalcogens.
    17. The Group 17 Elements: The Halogens.
    18. The Group 18 Elements: The Noble Gases.
    19. Transition Metal Complexes.
    20. Properties of the 3d Transition Metals.
    21. Properties of the 4d and 5d Transition Metals.
    22. The Group 12 Elements.
    23. Organometallic Chemistry.
    24. The Rare Earth and Actinoid Elements.
  • Citation

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