Design of Concrete Structures – Arthur H. Nilson – 14th Edition


The 14th edition of the classic text, Design of Concrete Structures, is completely revised using the newly released 2008 ACI (American Concrete Institute) Code. This new edition has the same dual objectives as the previous editions; first to establish a firm understanding of the behavior of structural concrete, then to develop proficiency in the methods used in current design practice.

Design of Concrete Structures covers the behavior and design aspects of concrete and provides updated examples and homework problems. New material on slender columns, seismic design, anchorage using headed deformed bars, and reinforcing slabs for shear using headed studs has been added. The notation has been thouroughly updated to match changes in the ACI Code.

The text also presents the basic mechanics of structural concrete and methods for the design of individual members for bending, shear, torsion, and axial force, and provides detail in the various types of structural systems applications, including an extensive presentation of slabs, footings, foundations, and retaining walls.

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  • Ch. 1 Introduction
    Ch. 2 Materials
    Ch. 3 Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams
    Ch. 4 Shear and Diagonal Tension in Beams
    Ch. 5 Bond, Anchorage, and Development Length
    Ch. 6 Serviceability
    Ch. 7 Analysis and Design for Torsion
    Ch. 8 Short Columns
    Ch. 9 Slender Columns
    Ch. 10 Strut-and-Tie Models
    Ch. 11 Design and Reinforcement at Joints
    Ch. 12 Analysis of Indeterminate Beams and Frames
    Ch. 13 Analysis and Design of Slabs
    Ch. 14 Yield Line Analysis for Slabs
    Ch. 15 Strip Method for Slabs
    Ch. 16 Footings and Foundations
    Ch. 17 Retaining Walls
    Ch. 18 Concrete Building Systems
    Ch. 19 Prestressed Concrete
    Ch. 20 Seismic Design
    App. A Design Aids
    App. B SI Conversion Factors: Inch-Pound Units to SI Units

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