General Chemistry – Kenneth Whitten, Raymond E. Davis, Larry Peck – 6th Edition


The new edition of this best-selling text is summarised by ‘classic text, modern presentation.’ Its emphasis on fundamental skills and concepts, and clearly explained problem-solving strategies continues to be a strength. The revision builds on the highly praised style and applications to everyday life that have earned this text a reputation as the voice of authority in general chemistry.

* General Organization
* The overall chapter organization is almost identical to 5/e. Two minor changes in Chapter titles: Chapter 19 was called Ionic Equilibria II: Hydrolysis and Titration Curves, now called Ionic Equilibria II: Buffers and Titration Curves. Chapter 27 was called Organic Chemistry I: Compounds and is now called “Organic Chemistry II: Compounds and Introduction to Reactions.”
* Classic Strengths * Readability, accuracy, comprehensiveness.
* Strong on basics such as drawing and interpreting Lewis structures. Says one reviewer: “I do like the method used for determining the Lewis structures. It allows the students to determine the number of bonds easily and the number of lone pairs of electrons.” New to this edition:
* Molecular models. Much of the artwork has been created using updated software, in order to enhance the visual presentation.
* Saunders CD-ROM cross references in the margin. These direct the reader to specific sections in the most popular general chemistry CD-ROM on the market. A separate correlation guide linking this text to the CD-ROM will be available.
* Macro-micro art. This artwork shows moleculese in an “exploded” format in order to help understand molecular behavior.
* Stereoscopic art. Packaged with each text is a stereoscopic viewer in order to see various molecules in motion. See especially Chapters 8, 13, 18, 25, 27, and 28.
* Major revision of End-of-Chapter Exercises. More than 40 percent of the Exercises are new or updated. The Exercises represent an excellent variety and continue to challenge the student’s grasp of concepts in addition to skill building. Many new ones include environmental and industrial applications. A new type of exercise that is widely praised is the Conceptual Exercise…

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  • Chapter 1 The Foundations of Chemistry
    Chapter 2 Chemical Formulas and Composition Stoichiometry
    Chapter 3 Chemical Equations and Reaction Stoichiometry
    Chapter 4 Some Types of Chemical Reactions
    Chapter 5 The Structure of Atoms
    Chapter 7 Chemical Bonding
    Chapter 8 Molecular Structure and Covalent Bonding Theories
    Chapter 9 Molecular Orbitals in Chemical Bonding
    Chapter 10 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions I: Acids, Bases, and Salts
    Chapter 11 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions II: Calculations
    Chapter 12 Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory
    Chapter 13 Liquids and Solids
    Chapter 14 Solutions
    Chapter 15 Chemical Thermodynamics
    Chapter 16 Chemical Kinetics
    Chapter 17 Chemical Equilibrium
    Chapter 18 Ionic Equilibria I: Acids and Bases
    Chapter 19 Ionic Equilibria II: Buers and Titration Curves
    Chapter 20 Ionic Equilibria III: The Solubility Product Principle
    Chapter 21 Electrochemistry
    Chapter 22 Metals I: Metallurgy
    Chapter 23 Metals II: Properties and Reactions
    Chapter 24 Some Nonmetals and Metalloids
    Chapter 25 Coordination Compounds
    Chapter 26 Nuclear Chemistry
    Chapter 27 Organic Chemistry I: Formulas, Names, and Properties
  • Citation

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