Microeconomics – David Colander – 9th Edition


The integrated solutions for Colander ‘Microeconomics 9e have been specifically designed to help today’s students succeed in the early economic course. The colloquial approach of Colander’s trademark focuses on modern economics, institutions, history and modeling, and is organized around learning objectives to make it easier for students to understand the material and for instructors to believe tasks within Connect.

The adaptive learning component of McGraw-Hill, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master core topics. Significant improvements in pedagogy, such as revised end-of-chapter problems, seamless integration into the Connect eBook and instant feedback on tasks, will engage students in the ninth edition as never before and will instill the “economic sensitivity” “” necessary to apply economic concepts to the real world.

Connect is the only integrated learning system that enables students to continually adapt to offer precisely what they need, when they need it and how they need it, to make their class time more attractive and effective.

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  • Part 1: Introduction: Thinking Like An Economist
    Chapter 1: Economics and Economic Reasoning
    Chapter 2: The Production Possibility Model, Trade, and Globalization
    Chapter 3: Economic Institutions
    Chapter 4: Supply and Demand
    Chapter 5: Using Supply and Demand

    Part 2: Microeconomics
    I The Power of Traditional Economic Models
    Chapter 6: Describing Supply and Demand: Elasticities
    Chapter 7: Taxation and Government Intervention
    Chapter 8: Market Failure versus Government Failure
    Chapter 8W: Politics and Economics: The Case of Agricultural Markets

    II International Economic Policy Issues
    Chapter 9: Comparative Advantage, Exchange Rates, and Globalization
    Chapter 10: International Trade Policy

    III Production and Cost Analysis
    Chapter 11: Production and Cost Analysis I
    Chapter 12: Production and Cost Analysis II

    IV Market Structure
    Chapter 13: Perfect Competition
    Chapter 14: Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition
    Chapter 15: Oligopoly and Antitrust Policy
    Chapter 16: Real-World Competition and Technology

    V Factor Markets
    Chapter 17: Work and the Labor Market
    Chapter 17W: Nonwage and Asset Income: Rents, Profits, and Interest
    Chapter 18: Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income

    VI Choice and Decision Making
    Chapter 19: The Logic of Individual Choice: The Foundation of Supply and Demand
    Chapter 20: Game Theory, Strategic Decision Making, and Behavioral Economics

    VII Modern Economic Thinking
    Chapter 21: Thinking Like a Modern Economist
    Chapter 22: Behavioral Economics and Modern Economic Policy
    Chapter 23: Microeconomic Policy, Economic Reasoning, and Beyond

    Part 3: Macroeconomics
    I Macroeconomic Problems
    Chapter 24: Economic Growth, Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation
    Chapter 25: Measuring the Aggregate Economy

    II Policy Models
    Chapter 26: The Short-Run Keynesian Policy Model: Demand-Side Policies
    Chapter 26W: The Multiplier Model
    Chapter 27: The Classical Long-Run Policy Model: Growth and Supply-Side Policies
    Chapter 27W: Advances in Modern Macroeconomic Theory
    Chapter 28: The Structural Stagnation Policy Dilemma

    III Finance, Money, and the Economy
    Chapter 29: The Financial Sector and the Economy
    Chapter 30: Monetary Policy
    Chapter 31: Financial Crises, Panics, and Unconventional Monetary Policy

    IV Taxes, Budgets, and Fiscal Policy
    Chapter 32: Deficits and Debt
    Chapter 33: The Fiscal Policy Dilemma

    V Macroeconomic Problems
    Chapter 34: Jobs and Unemployment
    Chapter 35: Inflation, Deflation, and Macro Policy

    VI International Policy Issues
    Chapter 36: International Financial Policy
    Chapter 37: Macro Policy in a Global Setting
    Chapter 38: Macro Policy in Developing Countries
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Microeconomics
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 77501802
    • ISBN-13: 780077501808
    • Edition: 9th Edition
    • Publication date: 2013
    • Topic: Business
    • Subtopic: Microeconomics
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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