Modern Physics – Paul A. Tipler, Ralph Llewellyn – 4th Edition


Tipler and Llewellyn’s acclaimed text for the intermediate-level course (not the third semester of the introductory course) guides students through the foundations and wide-ranging applications of modern physics with the utmost clarity–without sacrificing scientific integrity.

This new edition combines pedagogy, problem sets, and teaching art in a presentation that includes coverage of a number of new topics and discoveries. It features problems divided by level of difficulty; offers valuable grounding in the history of the field; accommodates both one and two term courses and allows instructors vary the applications topics covered from term to term; uses real data, photographs of people and apparatus, and quotations from original papers; cover relativity divided into two chapters, enabling instructors to teach just the basics or go deeper without disturbing continuity; has exploring sections throughout which deal with very current topics and/or topics of high student interest; and a new chapter, Astrophysics and Cosmology, is featured on the Modern Physics Web Site, complete with dramatic colour photos, and links to astronomy and astrophysics research sites worldwide.

A number of new “Application Notes” have been added to the sixth edition. These brief notes in the margins of many pages point to a few of the many benefits to society that have been made possible by a discovery or development in modern physics. Student Solutions Manual to accompany Modern Physics, 4th edition.

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    1. Relativity I

    2. Relativity II

    3. Quantization of Charge, Light, and Energy

    4. The Nuclear Atom

    5. The Wavelike Properties of Particles

    6. The Schrodinger Equation

    7. Atomic Physics

    8. Statistical Physics

    9. Molecular Structure and Spectra

    10. Solid State Physics

    11. Nuclear Physics

    12. Particle Physics

    13. Astrophysics and Cosmology

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