Pathophysiology (Porth’s) – Carol M. Porth, Sheila Grossman – 9th Edition


Succeed in your pathophysiology text with this 9th edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Captivating and easy-to understand, this proven book provides comprehensive, nursing-focused coverage designed to help you grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health.

Master the most clinically relevant and difficult to understand disorderswith advanced 3D narrated animations.
Prepare for clinical practice with 14 unit-opening case studies that put a real face on pathophysiology and help you relate the clinical presentation to the underlying pathophysiology.

– Master the information you need for success in your career with the unparalleled coverage of disease processes that make this text the most comprehensive pathophysiology text available.
– Increase your understanding of key concepts with the full-color art program that illustrates the clinical manifestations of diseases and disease processes.
– Find the information you need fast with the book’s consistent – presentation of each disease , with detailed coverage of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment.
– Reinforce your understanding of key content with chapter-ending review exercises .
– Develop a strong understanding of pathophysiology concepts with the easy-to-follow narrative that builds concepts on one another, defines words as content is presented, and reviews concepts from physiology, biochemistry, physics, and other sciences along the way.
– Deepen your understanding by pausing and reviewing salient points using the easily-identified section-opening Objectives and section-ending Summaries.

Retain and apply text information using Key Concepts Boxes help you incorporate key information into a larger conceptual unit, rather than memorizing a string of related and unrelated facts.

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  • - Concepts of health and disease
    - Concepts of altered health in children
    - Concepts of altered health in older adults
    - Cell and tissue characteristics
    - Cellular adaptation, injury, and death
    - Genetic control of cell function and inheritance
    - Genetic and congenital disorders
    - Neoplasia
    - Stress and adaptation
    - Alterations in temperature regulation
    - Activity tolerance and fatigue
    - Mechanisms of infectious disease
    - Innate and adaptive immunity
    - Inflammation, tissue repair, and wound healing
    - Disorders of the immune response
    - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
    - Organization and control of neural function
    - Somatosensory function, pain, and headache
    - Disorders of motor function
    - Disorders of brain function
    - Sleep and sleep disorders
    - Disorders of thought, emotion, and memory
    - Disorders of visual function
    - Disorders of hearing and vestibular function
    - Blood cells and the hematopoietic system
    - Disorders of hemostasis
    - Disorders of red blood cells
    - Disorders of white blood cells and lymphoid tissues
    - Structure and function of the cardiovascular system
    - Disorders of blood flow in the systemic circulation
    - Disorders of blood pressure regulation
    - Disorders of cardiac function
    - Disorders of cardiac conduction and rhythm
    - Heart failure and circulatory shock
    - Structure and function of the respiratory system
    - Respiratory tract infections, neoplasms, and childhood disorders
    - Disorders of ventilation and gas exchange
    - Structure and function of the kidney
    - Disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance
    - Disorders of acid-base balance
    - Disorders of renal function
    - Acute renal injury and chronic kidney disease
    - Disorders of the bladder and lower urinary tract
    - Structure and function of the gastrointestinal system
    - Disorders of gastrointestinal function
    - Disorders of hepatobiliary and exocrine pancreas function
    - Alterations in nutritional status
    - Mechanisms of endocrine control
    - Disorders of endocrine control of growth and metabolism
    - Diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome
    - Structure and function of the male genitourinary system
    - Disorders of the male genitourinary system
    - Structure and function of the female reproductive system
    - Disorders of the female reproductive system
    - Sexually transmitted infections
    - Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
    - Disorders of musculoskeletal function: trauma, infection, neoplasms
    - Disorders of musculoskeletal function: development and metabolic disorders
    - Disorders of musculoskeletal function: rheumatic disorders
    - Structure and function of the skin
    - Disorders of skin integrity and function.

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