Power System Analysis and Design – J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas Overbye – 5th Edition


This edition of Power System Analysis and Design has been adapted to incorporate the International System of Units (Le Syste`me International d’Unite´s or SI) throughout the book. Physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to mathematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field.

As background for this course, it is assumed that students have had courses in electric network theory (including transient analysis) and ordinary di¤erential equations and have been exposed to linear systems, matrix algebra, and computer programming. In addition, it would be helpful, but not necessary, to have had an electric machines course.

The organization of chapters and individual sections is flexible enough to give the instructor suficient latitude in choosing topics to cover, especially in a onesemester course. The text is supported by an ample number of worked examples covering most of the theoretical points raised. The many problems to be worked with a calculator as well as problems to be worked using a personal computer have been expanded in this edition.

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  • CHAPTER 1. Introduction Case Study: The Future Beckons
    History of Electric Power Systems
    Present and Future Trends
    Electric Utility Industry Structure
    Computers in Power System Engineering
    PowerWorld Simulator

    CHAPTER 2. Fundamentals Case Study: Distributed Generation - Semantic Hype or the Dawn of a New Era
    Instantaneous Power in Single-Phase ac Circuits
    Complex Power
    Network Equations
    Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
    Power in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
    Advantages of Balanced Three-Phase vs. Single-Phase Systems

    CHAPTER 3. Power Transformers Case Study: Life Extension and Condition Assessment
    The Ideal Transformer
    Equivalent Circuits for Practical Transformers
    The Per-Unit System
    Three-Phase Transformer Connections and Phase Shift
    Per-Unit Equivalent Circuits of Balanced Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformers
    Three-Winding Transformers
    Transformers with Off-Nominal Turns Ratios

    CHAPTER 4. Transmission-Line Parameters Case Study: Transmission Line Conductor Design Comes of Age
    Case Study: Mammoth 765-kV Project
    Transmission Line Design Considerations
    Inductance: Solid Cylindrical Conductor
    Inductance: Single-Phase Two Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacing
    Inductance: Composite Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductors
    Series Impedances: Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductors and Earth Return
    Electric Field and Voltage: Solid Cylindrical Conductor
    Capacitance: Single-Phase Two Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacing . Capacitance: Stranded Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductors
    Shunt Admittances: Lines with Neutral Conductors and Earth Return
    Electric Field Strength at Conductor Surfaces and at Ground Level
    Parallel Circuit Three-Phase Lines

    CHAPTER 5. Transmission Lines: Steady-State Operation Case Study: The FACTS on Resolving Transmission Gridlock
    Medium and Short Line Approximations
    Transmission-Line Differential Equations
    Equivalent ð Circuit
    Lossless Lines
    Maximum Power Flow
    Line Loadability
    Reactive Compensation Techniques

    CHAPTER 6. Power Flows Case Study: Visualizing the Electric Grid
    Direct Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Elimination
    Iterative Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
    Iterative Solutions to nonlinear Algebraic Equations: Newton-Raphson
    The Power-Flow Problem
    Power-Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidel
    Power-Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson
    Control of Power Flow
    Sparsity Techniques
    Fast Decoupled Power Flow
    Design Projects

    CHAPTER 7. Symmetrical Faults Case Study: The Problem of Arcing Faults in Low-Voltage Power Distribution Systems
    Series R-L Circuit Transients
    Three-Phase Short Circuit - Unloaded Synchronous Machine
    Power System Three-Phase Short Circuits
    Bus Impedance Matrix
    Circuit Breaker and Fuse Selection
    Design Project

    CHAPTER 8. Symmetrical Components Definition of symmetrical Components
    Sequence Networks of Impedance Loads
    Sequence Networks of Series Impedances
    Sequence Networks of Three-Phase Lines
    Sequence Networks of Rotating Machines
    Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformers
    Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformers
    Power in Sequence Networks

    CHAPTER 9. Unsymmetrical Faults Case Study: Fires at U.S. Utilities
    System Representation
    Single Line-to-Ground Fault
    Line-to-Line Fault
    Double Line-to-Ground Fault
    Sequence Bus Impedance Matrices
    Design Projects

    CHAPTER 10. System Protection Case Study: Blackouts and Relaying Considerations
    System Protection Components
    Instrument Transformers
    Overcurrent Relays
    Radial System Protection
    Reclosers and Fuses
    Directional Relays
    Protection of Two-Source System with Directional Relays
    Zones of Protection
    Line Protection with Impedance (Distance) Relays
    Differential relays
    Bus Protection with Differential Relays
    transformer Protection with Differential relays
    Pilot Relaying
    Digital Relaying

    CHAPTER 11. Power System Controls Case Study: Transmission System Planning: The Old World Meets the New
    Case Study: Overcoming Restoration Challenges Associated with Major Power System Disturbances: Restoration from Cascading Failures
    Generator-Voltage Control
    Turbine-Governor Control
    Load-Frequency Control
    Economic Dispatch
    Optimal Power Flow

    CHAPTER 12. Transmission Lines: Transient Operation Case Study: VariSTAR Type AZE Surge Arresters
    Case Study: WACS - Wide Area Stability and Voltage Control System: R&D Online Demonstration
    Traveling Waves on Single-Phase Lossless Lines
    Boundary Conditions for Single-Phase Lossless Lines
    Bewley Lattice Diagram
    Discrete-Time Models of Single-Phase Lossless Lines and Lumped RLC Elements
    Lossy Lines
    Multiconductor Lines
    Power System Overvoltages
    Insulation Coordination

    CHAPTER 13. Transient Stability Case Study: Causes of the 14 august Blackout
    Case Study: Real-Time Dynamic Security Assessment: Fast Simulation and Modeling Applied to Emergency Outage Security of the Electric Grid
    The Swing Equation
    Simplified Synchronous Machine Model and System Equivalents
    The Equal-Area Criterion
    Numerical Integration of the Swing Equation
    Multimachine Stability
    Design Methods for Improving Transient Stability

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